Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Morning in Aitkin


Every April our rural co-op gathers at the high school.
Folks in town get their electric from public utilities so aren’t invited.

The snow has melted, and lake ice is leaving.
Time to come out of the woods and travel muddy roads for free breakfast.

We’ll reelect the co-op directors, sign up for drawings, maybe win.
Agencies and charities put on a health fair - looking after the elders.

To warm up the auditorium - and keep the crowd - we have music.
The band called “The Johnson Chix” knows all the old time favorites.

Some of the snowbirds are back, but not all of them.
Tomorrow’s forecast has mention of snow and northwest wind.

No surprises at the meeting - same directors - same explanations.
Prices of electric power have risen - government will interfere some more.

Mostly coal makes our electricity; we’re buying wind power by law.
Coal is getting cleaner. Carbon cap and trade is bad for this region.

But in North Dakota where our power starts at a mine mouth,
engineers may find a way to take the carbon dioxide and pump up oil.

We see some slick videos and hear two Twin City speakers,
before going home with a new light bulb, spruce seedling, pound of butter.

Gordon Prickett April 18, 2009

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