Tuesday, September 20, 2011


One of the great ironies of history is that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now doing her diplomatic utmost to keep the Palestinian leaders from bringing their appeal for an independent state before the United Nations General Assembly this Fall. It was Secretary of State George Marshall in May 1948 who did his utmost to dissuade President Harry Truman from recognizing the new independent State of Israel. The United Nations Resolution No. 181, "The Partition Resolution," in November 1947 had called for two indepentent states - Israel and Palestine.

Sixty three years later there still is no statehood for Palestinian Arabs or Jews, or Palestinian Christians, for that matter. Sporadic, and at times intense, warfare has continued between Israelis and Palestinians ever since 1948.

The United States has poured billions of dollars of assistance from government and private sources into the State of Israel. Much of it for military aid, as well as for economic development. After such protracted conflict across this region, I am ready to support the Palestinians' UN appeal for their long-denied statehood. Following World War II the United Nations Organization was created for just this purpose, the promotion of justice and peace.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Some of us started working as kids over half a century ago. We worked and earned our way through college without trust funds, allowances, or gifts. The campus was for learning, not partying. So the other day when the President told students in Richmond, Virginia, to "Hit the books!" I thought "It's a start."

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, with our nation at war, some of us signed up with the military, and even stayed in beyond our "obligated service." So I have a problem today when most upper class and middle class kids see no purpose for themselves in national service.

Now that the earned benefits from my lifetime of labor - social security and medicare - play a major part in my security for the declining years of life,
I get pretty angry at politicians who attack them as "costly entitlements."

Time was when the credentials I had gained through education and experience could help me find new work when an employer eliminated my position, or when I saw a better career path. I overcame such job crises in 1968, 1971, and 1977.

In recent months I wrote in a blog that "Hard work and hope" were essential in digging out of today's jobs crisis. Today it is only getting tougher for at least
14 million Americans who cannot find any work. Having been unemployed, but never filing for jobless benefits, I have some feeling for the daily depression that can overwhelm the long-term job seeker.

The President went before a joint session at the Capitol last Thursday with a legislative proposal he calls the Jobs Bill. Now that Congress is back in Washington after more than a month away I hope that finally they will get to work and pass something for those without a job.